She makes Rocky Balboa look like a pansy.According to the dictionary there are three definitions of the word "pansy." The first is the "large-flowered garden plant" definition. The other two?
-A timid man or boy considered childish or unassertiveFor the record, Clinton laughed at the Governor's comment. Yet gays and lesbians continue to back her in droves. So, to my brothers and sisters, let me ask this: In high school, if some bitchy little hoo-ha was running for class president and used your friendship to get a leg up only to throw you under a bus later in the process, and then topped it off by calling you a pansy right before the class election...you mean to tell me you would still vote for her?
-Offensive term for a homosexual man
I'm all for idolizing icy bitches like Joan Crawford for camp value, but to vote for someone who knocks you down time and time again...well, that's a level of self-loathing I cannot for the life of me understand.
To my fellow progressives, I ask this: For the purposes of this campaign the Clintons have played both the race card and the homophobia card. Why? Because the only path they see to winning their party's nomination is to play to the fears of white lower and middle class voters. They've essentially thrown their entire base to the wolves and opened up the Republican play book, bringing up Jesse Jackson in South Carolina and playing to the Jesse Helms homophobes in North Carolina. And as if to add insult to injury, Clinton is going on "The O'Reilly Factor" tonight!
If this were any other candidate, progressives would be having huge fits. Why she has even minimal support from any true-blooded liberal is beyond me.