Does that constitute a civil war? I guess you can decide for your yourself. And we can all go to the dictionary and decide what you want to call something.-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, earlier today when he appeared before a Senate committee.
Well then Mr. Secretary, let's do just that.
According to Merriam-Webster's on-line dictionary, civil war is defined as "a war between opposing groups of citizens of the same country."
Hmm. Sounds pretty cut and dry to me. What is it you don't get, Sir?
The Fascist wing of the Republican Party can huff and puff all it wants over Sen. Hillary Clinton's call for Rumsfeld's resignation. The fact of the matter is the President should have demanded it a long time ago. That he hasn't speaks volumes of this administration's incompetence. And history will mark Mr. Bush as the worst president ever.