Quote of the Day:
I was able to meet him, shake his hand, and briefly talk to him....here I was face to face with a man who could one day be our president. Right then and there he gave me the "audacity of hope."-My sister Noel, on her one-on-one exchange with Senator Barack Obama (Democrat-IL) while attending a campaign rally for Rep. Melissa Bean (Democrat-IL). As my sister Shelly asked, I wonder if Noel will ever wash the hand Obama shook again!
You can read Noel's account of her brush with political fame here.
An aside...It seems Andrew Sullivan is smitten with the Democrat from Illinois as well:
I'm a believer. In the same God as the fundamentalists. In the same Jesus. But in a slightly different way. I'm glad Obama is open to that approach, because it is, in my view, as essential for Christians to reclaim their faith from extremism, as it is for moderate Muslims to reclaim theirs'. A great deal is at stake in that bettle within religions right now. And Obama seems to understand that. Which is vital in a potential president in this decade.Not since the Civil War has our nation been so politically divided (just look at the 2004 Electoral College map). Who knows? Like 1860 maybe it will take another fresh face from Illinois to bring us all back together.