"It was the danger that journalists or skeptics ... could get closer to the much bigger truth of WMD deception. This is a huge deal for one single reason: if true, it means that the White House acted in bad faith in making the case for war. There is no graver charge than that. In fact, if true, it's impeachable."(My italics.) In his post, Sullivan gets to impeachment by way of raking Ambassador Joe Wilson (the guy who called the administration on their bogus WMD claims) over the coals, calling him a "two-bit, irrelevant jerk in the grand scheme of things."
Yes, Andrew. Just as two itty bitty reporters named Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were "irrelevant" in the Watergate matter.
His Wilson comment aside though, I'm glad to see the WMD subject being discussed on one of the more widely read conservative political blogs. There were a few of us in the center who, from the early planning stages of this war, suspected that the WMD claims didn't hold water. When those suspicions came true we argued with all our might that the President, Vice-President, and their Defense Secretary at the time tricked us into war.
As Andrew says, there is no graver charge than that. And, Bush and Cheney's incompetent war management just makes the whole matter all the more tragic.
Many of us argued these points during the 2004 presidential election, but there weren't enough of us to make a difference. Slowly and surely, in 2007, more Americans are coming to grips with the fact that their president bamboozled them. And the more we hear by way of the Libby trial and congressional hearings, it becomes quite obvious...
If ever there were a reason to impeach and remove a president (and in this case his vice-president) from office, this is it.