26 March 2007

Piss Poor Leadership

So, President Bush met with the heads of General Motors, Ford, and Daimler-Chrysler today to discuss the President's support of "flexible-fuel vehicles" (autos that use a combination of gasoline and ethanol).

Unfortunately, it's only a half-step in the right direction. Only 1,000 gas stations across the country (out of 170,000) are capable of dispensing the gas/ethanol blend, and Detroit automakers are stubbornly resistant to the development of other forms of fuel efficiant cars.

And this is why they have seen their profits disappear as Asian and European automakers race past them with more gas efficient automobiles and Hybrids.

The solution is easy: Pass huge tax incentives to the idiots in Detroit to make a swift switch over to Hybrid technology. It would be the fastest and cleanest way to cure America's addiction to foreign oil. At the same time add a dollar per gallon tax to the price of gas to pay for both the incentives to the automakers and to help pay for alternative energy research.

That it hasn't happened in the years since 9/11 is yet another example of poor leadership on the President's part. (Believe me...had Mr. Bush asked for an increase in fuel taxes in late September of 2001, the American people would have gladly obliged.)