And so this morning, I am proud to be an American who backed Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election (and in his elections for Vice-President in 1992 and 1996). This prize strengthens his argument that global warming is, as he puts it, "not a political issue, it is a moral and spiritual challenge to all of humanity."
And so now the question remains, will Gore use this Nobel Prize to launch himself into the race for the Democratic Party presidential nomination.
I really wish he would. His leadership on the global warming issue aside, a Gore presidency would restore America's image around the globe, return the presidency to an equal branch of government, and re-focus the fight against terrorism on actually defeating the radical Muslims rather than creating more of them.
In short, he is the only perfect antidote to eight years of hell and disillusion under George W. Bush.
And he would get my full support immediately if he announced his candidacy.
Don't get me wrong, the other Democratic candidates have their strengths and, with the Republican Party so unpopular, most have an automatic advantage going into next year's general election. But their weaknesses worry me. Hillary's ability to rally the radical right, Obama's inexperience, Edwards' "Carter-esque" lack of focus on Iraq, Richardson's rather loopy campaign.
But Al Gore would come into the race as the elder statesman the country and the globe so desperately need; he'd enter the race as the adult who will send the kids back to their rooms, replace the infant imbecile in the White House, and calm a world so thoroughly rattled by eight years of imperialistic American government.
The weaknesses perceived in the 2000 campaign would be forgotten by most. In fact, the independent voters who cast ballots for Mr. Bush in 2000 would probably be more than happy - in fact they would be ecstatic, I think - to cast the most patriotic vote of their lives for Al Gore in 2008.
Will he run? Unfortunately, I doubt it. But what better place for him to do his admirable work than the presidency.
Mr. Gore: Your leadership is truly needed...now more than ever. We beg of you...PLEASE RUN FOR PRESIDENT.