Under 30s, independents, and liberal Republicans were the key to his victory.
As of 6:43 PT She-Who-Is-Not-So-Inevitable-Anymore and John Edwards are battling it out for second place.
It looks like my guy will come in second to last.
It's beginning to look like Sen. Clinton will place third. As of 7:58pm, it's Obama 37.5%, Edwards 29.8%, and Clinton 29.3%. Though the margin between 2nd and 3rd is small, third will be a devastating P.R. blow to the former First Lady going forward.
Edwards was a sore loser. He didn't congratulate Obama, and that's just bad sportsmanship. If I remember correctly, he didn't congratulate Bush and Cheney when he was the Democrats' VP nominee in 2004. No matter how much you despise the other guy, in politics you always congratulate them when they beat you. What the fuck, man!
Update 2:
221,000 Iowans show up to caucus with the Democrats; 114,000 with the Republicans. Those type of numbers (in a state that went for Bush in 2004) well...if done right, it can be great news for the Democratic ticket this November.
Update 3:
Sen. Christopher Dodd will fold it up before tomorrow.