Sick. Disgusting. And yet revealing. Hillary Clinton is staying in the race in the event some nut kills Barack Obama. We have seen an X-ray of a very dark soul. One consumed by raw ambition to where the possible assassination of an opponent is something to ponder in a strategic way.Some say Clinton's comments were the result of a long campaign; that she's tired and not thinking before she speaks. But the fact of the matter is very simple: She was thinking of murder as the game-changer that has eluded her all spring. She made the RFK reference back in March as well, so I tend to come down on the side of Goodwin's "very dark soul" argument.
Giving voice to such a vile thought is all the more horrible because fears Obama would be killed have been an undercurrent to his astonishing rise.
Clinton has now fed that fear. She needs a very long vacation. And we need one from her.
Say good night, Hillary. And go away.
That any Democrat still backs Sen. Clinton after such twisted thinking is beyond all comprehension. In fact, had another nominee made such a statement, they would be stepping up to the microphone today to announce the end of their campaign. (I mean, think about the reaction from the Clinton camp if someone like Joe Biden had made a similar statement in correlation to Hillary! Biden would have dropped out over the weekend and then Bill would have punched his lights out.)
It's over, Hillary. Your candidacy is a smoldering train wreck and it's time for you to end the joke that has become your candidacy for president. It's not going to happen and, after this horrendous remark, you can bet your last dollar that Barack Obama has no plans to put you anywhere near his ticket!
For those who missed it, here is the interview in which Clinton makes the RFK reference: