pentecostal (pen'te·cos'tal), adj., Protestant religious movement that originated in the U.S. in the 19th century; a religious movement that seeks a postconversion religious experience evidenced by speaking in tongues, prophesying, and healing; pentecostalism emphasises biblical literalism.Steve Clemons over at the Washington Note posts this screen shot of a YouTube clip in which Sarah Palin is being prayed over by Pentecostal preacher Thomas Muthee who, according to Clemons, claims that "he defeated a local witch [in Kenya], Mama Jane, in a great spiritual battle, thus liberating his town from sin and opening its people to the spirit of Jesus."
The video can be seen here, but be warned, it takes about seven-and-a-half minutes of gibberish before you get to the freaky Palin scene.
To add to this rather concerning clip is a little tidbit from Muthee's prayer for Palin. One more time, Steve Clemons:
I have to say I was pretty surprised when he was praying for her that Muthee said, "In the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, every form of witchcraft..."What the FUCK was McCain thinking!!?! Uhhh...I'll take the Mormon over this shit for all the money in the bank, thank you very much!