Huh. No. It doesn't say that at all. Those memos, right, that came out, were really ... er, were really, I think, show you, you know, just a piece, because... a small part, a piece of how we were looking to, I think, set up or solve the fact that he was a very strong candidate.Wow! It seems to me Mr. Penn has been taking his "truthiness" lessons from ol' turd-blossom himself, Karl Rove.
Here's what the memo, penned by Penn himself, said:
[Obama's being born in Hawaii]...exposes a strong weakness for him – his roots to basic American values and culture are at best limited. I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.The candidate herself told Gov. Bill Richardson (Democrat-NM) that Obama was unelectable when Richardson called to tell her he'd be endorsing Obama:
He cannot win, Bill! He cannot win.Gee...I wonder where she got that from!
The first Democrat to win over 50% of the vote since 1964; the first Democrat since that year to win Virginia and Indiana (and part of Nebraska, for that matter); the best showing by candidates of either party since 1988; and an Electoral College tally that is very similar to Bill Clinton's in 1992.
Yeah, Bill! He can't win.