26 July 2006

Deteriorating Moral Credibility

Quote of the Day:
...the Doha global trade talks collapsed today - yet another indication of a long list that America's role and status in the world are rapidly deteriorating. We seem unable to achieve our objectives - and these failures are not registering with the political class in Washington yet.

Gambling away America's moral credibility in Iraq is one crime - but the bigger one that the Bush administration has committed is overtly showing the LIMITS of American power in the world. America's mystique has been shattered. Our military and financial limits put on open display. Friends are not counting on America as much as the case before. Foes are maximizing agendas Americans oppose.

These are dangerous times because those who are fundamentally and substantively weakening often lash out in a desperate attempt to demonstrate resolve and strength.

These are toxic matters. Bush is asking nothing of Americans. We will go on with our wars and commitments abroad without regard to domestic impact or cost -- and Americans can continue to enjoy their Wal-Mart subsidized high quality lives.

But the Doha Round failing is a big deal. It's a foreshock.
-The Washington Note's Steve Clemons, using the failure of the Doha global trade talks to say what John Kerry should have been hammering home two years ago.

I must say though, Bush IS asking an awful lot of our children. They are being sent to fight a mismanaged war that was started on the wings of a lie. And they are being passed an enormous national debt that will break their financial backs before they reach middle age.

But when we speak of sacrifice, ruining the future of our children isn't what we had in mind.