29 September 2006

The Abyss

Quote of the Day:
...in the 1970s, conservatives seemed the only people to grasp the true evil of the Sovet Union. At the core of its evil was its deployment of torture to break free people's souls and to obliterate their liberty by the brute force of the state. Now conservatives are the ones justifying torture - by the United States. They have become what they once fought. Unchecked power does that to you.
-Andrew Sullivan, in response to Vasko Kohlmayer's pro-waterboarding argument.

Forget Arnold. I'd be all for amending the Constitution to let non-natural born citizens be eligible to run for president if Sully would throw his hat in the ring. A good, large overdose of truth and realism is the only thing that will save our republic at this point.

Sullivan/Friedman, anyone?