HAPPY 2007!
The sacrifice has been worth it.Sending America's brightest and youngest to die on the wings of lie is not worth it, Mr. President.
George W. Bush
The Lord's Chosen
Your Majesty,
There is only one course left for you to take now that Saddam bin Laden is finally dead. You must give a speech in prime time detailing your long battle against this man. Your father should be made to kneel down beside you as you address the nation, so that once and for all, the world will know that you are a better man and a greater leader than him. Saddam's dead, naked body should be draped over the podium as you speak, and once you've finished, you should have your way with it to demonstrate that you've achieved the only thing you ever really wanted to accomplish in Iraq, the total domination of the man your father couldn't control, not with weapons sales or war. Then, you should bring our troops home.
Heterosexually yours,
Gen. JC Christian, patriot
But guys like us, we don't pay attention to the polls. We know that polls are just a collection of statistics that reflect what people are thinking in "reality." And reality has a well-known liberal bias.
...we in Michigan hold Jerry Ford in affection and esteem for his lifetime of service, including 13 terms in the House of Representatives. Over time we will honor his memory in many ways, but one immediate way is to return the Gerald Ford quality of civility to the nation’s capital.-Senator Carl Levin (Democrat-MI), paying tribute to former President Ford, who represented Michigan during those 13 congressional terms.
[After years of] Republican abuse of Congressional power and procedures, the incoming majority has promised to restore House and Senate practices to those more closely resembling the textbook version of how a bill becomes law: daylight debate, serious amendments and minority party participation.And with a little luck and lots of hard work, this newfound civility will clear out the toxic air that has hung over our government since 1995, and bring back the days when Gerald Ford was House Minority Leader; when Republicans and Democrats battled during the day, and in the evening - after work - enjoyed one another’s friendship.
Democrats assuming control on Jan. 4 said they also wanted to revive collegiality and civility in an institution that has been poisoned by partisanship in recent years. In a gesture duly noted by Republicans, the incoming Speaker of the House...Nancy Pelosi, offered [outgoing] Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois, who is remaining in Congress, the use of prime office space in the Capitol out of respect for his position.
Christmas mornings for me are all about martinis and valium.-Wilhelmina Slater, as played by Vanessa Williams, on "Ugly Betty."
The title is a hoax to give the impression that Harry Potter will come to a nasty end - the real title of the book is "Harry Potter And The Lovely Rainbow-Coloured Munchkin Rabbits Of Bibbledy Bobbledy Lane."Rowling's publisher did not indicate a release date.
We have a President of the United States who is isolated. He‘s delusional. He is stubborn. The deaths in this war right now...the deaths of American soldiers verges now on the criminal. And I don‘t think that‘s too strong a statement. It verges on the criminal.Regarding Bush's refusal to listen to the Joint Chiefs, Scarborough said:
Well, this is uncharted territory...I want you, if you will, to imagine, how would Republicans have responded if President Bill Clinton had ignored the advice of all of his Joint Chiefs, his top general in the war zone, his former Secretary of State, and 80 percent of Americans? Is it not a stretch to say that many Republicans would have considered impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton if this situation were identical?Ain't that the truth!
A 3-month-old baby was left unattended in a shopping cart for about an hour Sunday when her parents accidentally left her behind at a local Toys-R-Us, police said.Gives a whole new meaning to the term "no child left behind."
The parents, who were traveling in different cars, didn't realize what happened until they got home and neither one had the baby.
...the Joint Chiefs think the White House, after a month of talks, still does not have a defined mission and is latching on to the surge idea in part because of limited alternatives, despite warnings about the potential disadvantages for the military...Meanwhile, the former Chief of the Joint Chiefs (and former Secretary of State), Colin Powell, doubts the plan will work. He thinks the Army is over-extended and "about broken."
The second Korean WarIt's an excellent piece, told in the fashion of "A Christmas Carol," and highlights how the incompetence of the Bush administration will have a long term effect on the security and defense of the United States. You can read the entire essay here.
A nuclear blast shuts down U.S. communications, and North Korean conventional forces move in for the kill.
War in the Taiwan Strait
China uses advanced technology to sink the U.S. fleet in nothing flat.
Terrorist attack on San Francisco
Fires and explosions break out simultaneously across the Bay Area.
Don Rumsfeld is the finest Secretary of Defense this nation has ever had.-Vice-President Dick Cheney, yesterday during Rumsfeld's farwell ceremony at the Pentagon.
A senior at Wheaton North High School, about 30 miles west of Chicago, is accused of ejaculating into a bottle of ranch salad dressing last week and leaving it on a condiments cart in the cafeteria, school officials said.Hmmm. Perhaps guns in the classroom IS a good idea after all.
The student allegedly bragged to his friends during his lunch period December 6 about the masturbatory episode. One of those students told school leaders Tuesday, and when confronted the boy confessed to contaminating the salad dressing bottle.
In a meeting with the Chicago Tribune editorial board, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL), said that "he believed he would be a 'viable candidate' for president who could move the nation beyond the generational politics that have defined the last 40 years."Yup. Sounds like he's running to me.
As anyone who has ever fallen in love knows, it takes a while to get your head straight, to stop your heart from pounding and for your dewy eyes to find their focus again.-Carol Marin, Chicago Sun-Times columnist and political editor at Chicago's WMAQ-Channel 5 (NBC), throwing cold water on the wild crush Democrats and the media have on Sen. Barack Obama.
[Gov. Bill] Richardson (Democrat-NM) is easily the most qualified of the Democrats in the field. He has served as a governor of a border state, has extensive foreign policy experience as Ambassador to the United Nations in the Clinton administration, and has served in many high-level federal positions including a tour as a Cabinet member as Secretary of Energy...Richardson possesses the seniority, experience as a chief executive, and more foreign policy experience than either [Hillary] Clinton or [Barack] Obama.-Amy Proctor, self-described "Christian Republican" blogger from the Northeastern U.S.A.
...if the Democrats succeed in nominating Richardson, he is almost certain to become the 44th President of the United States.
This love I sought...From "Falling For Your Love." Written by Pamela Phillips-Oland, as performed by the Sylvers.
people laughed and said,
'the boy's all in your mind,'
but now that I've met you I'm fallin'
I, for one, am at the end of my rope when it comes to supporting a policy that has our soldiers patrolling the same streets in the same way being blown up by the same bombs day after day. That is absurd. It may even be criminal.-Sen. Gordon Smith (Republican-OR), on the current congress' last day in session, criticizing the Bush administration's incompetent Iraq policy.
I believe we need to figure out not just how to leave Iraq but how to fight the war on terror and to do it right.(My italics.) Four years later these Republicans - and many other Americans, Republicans and Democrats - are finally (finally!) coming to the realization that the Iraq War has diminished our capacity to fight the global war against terror.
Being from a small town and being gay in the '80's was never easy...I endured black eyes, broken bones, ostracism, and generally being the town "fairy". Needless to say, on the day I turned 18, I was gone.I wasn't from a small town, but the northwest suburbs of Chicago weren't any easier. And that is why, when I turned 18, I couldn't wait to get out and move into the city.
Ms. Rice remained publicly silent, sitting across town in the office that Mr. Baker gave up 14 years ago. She has yet to say anything about the public tutorial being conducted by the man who first knew her when she was a mid-level Soviet expert on the National Security Council. She has not responded to Mr. Baker’s argument, delivered in a tone that drips with "isn’t-this-obvious," that America has to be willing to talk to its adversaries (a premise Ms. Rice has questioned if the conditions are not right), or his dismissal of the administration’s early argument that the way to peace in the Middle East was through quick, decisive victory in Baghdad.Given this administration's track record, I guess I shouldn't have expected them to embrace the Baker/Hamilton recommendations. Denial, arrogance, and incompetence thrive in the Bush White House. And our military will be weakened because of it.
...researchers say that [the drug] shows promise in "unmasking" cancer cells so that the immune system can recognize and attack them with greater efficiency.Talk about a wonder drug!
...this commission was composed apparently entirely of people who did not have the judgement to oppose this Iraq war in the first place. And did not have the judgement to realize that it was not a wise move in the fight against terrorism.-Senator Russ Feingold (Democrat-WI), on 'Countdown' last night.
This is the real national security threat to America - this sense in the rest of the world that Iraq symbolizes America's fatal new combination of arrogance and incompetence. This report asks the world to help us find our way back home. Even if its proposals don't succeed, the Baker-Hamilton report can still accomplish its purpose, to "enable the United States to begin to move its combat forces out of Iraq responsibly."-The Washington Post's David Ignatius, giving the Baker-Hamilton report on the situation in Iraq a symbolic 'thumbs up.'
Mary Cheney, the Vice-President's openly gay daughter, is pregnant. She and her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe, are "ecstatic" about the baby, due in late spring, said a source close to the couple.Uncle George is fit to be tied, Grandma Lynn tells CNN's Wolf Blitzer that the Washington Post has a lot of explaining to do, and Grandpa Dick plans to shoot the father in the face.
The law ensures that Mary's partner has no legal rights whatsoever in their child, or in what happens to Mary (or vice versa), such as if one partner has to go the hospital, the other can't visit. The law may even nullify any wills that Mary and Heather write regarding each other, and it may make it impossible for gay people to go to court to resolve any difference about anything - the courts can't recognize gay unions, so they can't make any decisions that would imply recognition (custody, hospital visitation, wills, etc.) It's beyond ironic that Virginia's new law, one of the most hateful, bigoted laws on the books, is now targeting the Vice-President's own daughter and soon-to-be new grandchild.Pass the popcorn; the drama that is about to unfold in the fascist wing of the Republican Party is going to be Oscar-caliber drama.
President Bush has never shown that he is willing to change, so reality-based observers have a moral obligation to keep treating him accordingly. I strongly believe that when people act, they compel from society the logical response to that action, and the President's continued obstinacy demands opposition, not capitulation. He deserves not faith or trust, but, as he has earned, distrust and constant oversight. And patriotic Americans of both parties owe it to the country to keep the pressure on him.-A.J. at AMERICABlog, in an essay posted yesterday about the shifting events in the Iraq War, and President Bush's refusal to alter his plan.
Isolation; sleep and sensory depravation; hoodings; stress positions; exposure to noxious fumes; exposure to temperature extremes; threats of imminent execution; assaults; the forced administration of mind-altering substances; denial of religious practices; manipulation of diet; and other forms of mistreatment.That is the watered-down version of what Jose Padilla's lawyers claim was done to him while he was jailed in Charleston, South Carolina.
She really shouldn't run. It would divide and polarize the country; she's dreadful on the stump; she has very high negatives; most Democrats only like her; almost no-one loves her; and do we really want 20 years of two families in the White House? Besides: what do you do with Bill?...I think she'd make a great Supreme Court Justice or Senate Majority Leader. I had a chat recently with a senior Republican and former presidential candidate. We were discussing how deeply divided the Republicans are. I asked him: what could unite them again at this point? He answered in one word: Hillary. She's the last hope for the far right. Please, Senator Clinton. Don't do it.I really do think Hillary would make a superb president, but I am beginning to wonder if people like Sullivan are right. I think the Democratic ticket in 2008 will need to serve as the real healers...a ticket that will bring Democrats, Republicans, Greens, and Libertarians together to reverse the wrongs brought on by eight years of George W. Bush. And no matter how hard she tries, Senator Clinton won't be that candidate.