05 December 2006

George the Obstinant

Quote of the Day:
President Bush has never shown that he is willing to change, so reality-based observers have a moral obligation to keep treating him accordingly. I strongly believe that when people act, they compel from society the logical response to that action, and the President's continued obstinacy demands opposition, not capitulation. He deserves not faith or trust, but, as he has earned, distrust and constant oversight. And patriotic Americans of both parties owe it to the country to keep the pressure on him.
-A.J. at AMERICABlog, in an essay posted yesterday about the shifting events in the Iraq War, and President Bush's refusal to alter his plan.

Senate hearings begin today on the nomination of Robert Gates to replace Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense. I think we'll get some idea of any change in course during testimony. But my sense is it'll be "more of the same," "stay the course," etc.

But one can hope.