We went to see "The Queen" with our friends Mark and Don over the Thanksgiving Day weekend and I've been meaning to write about it.
The movie is an absolute delight. Rather than take the cheap "made-for-TV" bio-pic route, director Stephen Frears ("My Beautiful Laundrette," "Prick Up Your Ears," "Dangerous Liaisons," "The Grifters," "Mrs. Henderson Presents") presents a brilliant character study, examining the complex relationship between Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Tony Blair.
The picture takes place, for the most part, in the days following the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, in a car crash in Paris. The story is spellbinding: The Royal Family's determination to remain separate and aloof from the death of Diana, who is no longer a royal due to her divorce from Prince Charles, versus the newly elected Prime Minister's gauge of the public perception. Tradition and history (Elizabeth) versus the public mood (Blair).
Helen Mirren's performance is the key to this wonderful movie. She is masterful and brilliant here, and if she doesn't win the Oscar for this role then it can be argued that the Academy has lost its way.
Finally, I have to mention the work done by Sylvia Syms. Her tart and sharp-witted peformance as the Queen Mother is absolutely fabulous. Best Supporting Actress, anyone?
Hopefully "The Queen" is still playing near you. If it is, I suggest you take some time this weekend to see it. You'll be glad you did.