In what could easily be described as the best acceptance speech from a Democratic presidential nominee since Roosevelt, Sen. Obama made a solid case for his candidacy, calling out John McCain and the Fascist-Republicans on issue after issue, domestic as well as foreign. Obama absolutely destroyed the Senator from Arizona tonight, making the case to every American that the last eight years have been absolutely dismal, and that electing McCain would lead to four more years of the same failures that have brought us to this moment.
Obama also made he case that he is not going to run Al Gore or John Kerry's campaign. He showed tonight that he'll go toe-to-toe with John McCain on every issue at every turn. More over, he laid out his plans to return America to the peace, prosperity, and global respect of the pre-Bush era. It is truly amazing, really, how fast and how far the current administration have dismantled the America that Bill Clinton - and the 41 presidents before him - left them. The world hates us, our Constitution is in tatters, and our economy is on the brink of ruin.
If any American held doubts about whether Barack Obama was up to the job, if any American was unsure as to whether this junior Senator from Illinois is the man we need at the helm as we make a much overdue course correction...well...those doubts will have been put to rest tonight.
If you missed the speech the videos are below (sorry...the only high-quality clips I could find on YouTube were divided into five parts). I highly suggest give them a look. You won't be sorry. As David Gergen at CNN said tonight, it wasn't really a speech, but rather a symphony.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5: