Wow, it was even worse than I’d imagined! [Clinton's] advisers couldn’t execute strategy; they routinely attacked and undermined each other, and Clinton never forced a resolution. Major decisions would be put off for weeks until suddenly she would erupt, driving her staff to panic and misfire.-Josh Green, in his excellent new essay for the Atlantic, in which he exposes extreme mismanagement in Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
Above all, this irony emerges: Clinton ran on the basis of managerial competence—on her capacity, as she liked to put it, to “do the job from Day One.” In fact, she never behaved like a chief executive, and her own staff proved to be her Achilles’ heel. What is clear from the internal documents is that Clinton’s loss derived not from any specific decision she made but rather from the preponderance of the many she did not make. Her hesitancy and habit of avoiding hard choices exacted a price that eventually sank her chances at the presidency.
If you have time I highly recommend you give the entire piece a read. I'm sure you'll agree...the Democrats picked the better nominee.