07 October 2008

Fascist Gutter Trash

The rabid Fascist Republicans - the candidates and their most passionate supporters - are scraping the bottom of the gutter at this point. They see their campaign for the White House losing ground and now their true colors really show - they have all become the most un-American scum we've seen in any presidential campaign in the history of our nation.

Example 1: When John McCain tries to stoke racial fears and asks "Who is the real Barack Obama?" a supporter in the crowd screams, "Terrorist!"

When you watch that clip you know damn well John McCain heard the horrid response from the crowd - it shows in his facial reaction. Yet, rather than denounce such maniacal hate, the Republican presidential candidate simply ignored it and moved on.

Remember, this is the same man who refused to school a woman who asked "How do we beat the bitch?" during the early part of the primary season, when it looked like Hillary Clinton would be the Democratic nominee. The man is a low life...plain and simple.

Then there's example 2: If and when I find the video I will post it. But yesterday during Sarah Palin's campaign stop in Florida, two things happened. First, when the Moose-Pie MILF started whining about her "gotcha" questions from Katie Couric and the "mainstream media," the crowd started booing the press corps assigned to the campaign stop, throwing things at them and telling a black camera man to "sit down boy."

What did Palin do? She smiled, and continued with her remarks.

THEN, when she brought up the William Ayers thing, someone in the crowd yelled about Obama, "Kill him!"

Kill him?


Why isn't this front page news? Why didn't Palin stop her speech right there? WHY DID SHE GRIN WICKEDLY AND CONTINUE WITH HER SPEECH? AND WHY DIDN'T THE SECRET SERVICE IMMEDIATELY FAN INTO THE CROWD TO FIND THE UN-AMERICAN ASSHOLE WHO MADE THE THREAT? The last time I looked, threatening to to kill a presidential candidate is a pretty serious crime.

Are these the tactics the McCain/Palin camp have resorted to? Threats of murder without one word of denunciation from the candidates.

You know...I've resorted to calling these Republicans "Fascists" over the last couple of years simply to remind readers that many of their policies restrict individual liberty and are extremely un-American. But when their supporters start to threaten the lives of their opponents - and the candidates essentially egg them on - then it is obvious that the candidates themselves should just drop the name "Republican" from their party banner and replace it with "Fascist." Because that is what they are. Plain and simple.

Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt wouldn't recognize their party today - and are rolling over in their graves.