I was right:
Nancy Pelosi (D) 72%Pelosi's 72% is her lowest showing since she first won the seat in 1988, and Sheehan's 17% is higher than any of Pelosi's Republican challengers since 1994.
Cindy Sheehan (I) 17%
Dana Walsh (R) 9%
Philip Berg (L) 1.95%
Write-In (NP) .05%
Don't get me wrong...this was still a rout in a strongly Democratic district. But you can't deny that an 8% drop in support for the Speaker of the House in just two years points to a stirring disappointment by her constituents in Pelosi's lack of cajones.
Note: 316 write-in votes were cast in this race. I know for certain that at least two of them were for my candidate. :-) Woo-hooo!