After compromising on many aspects of the stimulus bill (less spending, more tax cuts...because...you know...that's worked so well in the past), and after meeting in person with House Republicans before the bill went to the floor, the fact that they gave you not one vote in support of the measure should give you pause.
The Fascist-Republicans in the House of Representatives obviously have no interest in getting this economy out of the shitter. They are blind to the fact that their form of economic stewardship (tax cuts and mountainous debt) have brought us to this precipice. In my mind we spent the last eight years turning their economic philosophy into policy, and the result has been a deep, earth-shattering collapse of America's financial house. That collapse led to a decisive election in which the opposition was put back in power, and the failed, irresponsibility of Republican government rejected soundly.
So, Mr. President...I say forget about reaching out to the GOP.
Their thoughts on matters related to the economy are no longer valid. After eight years of trying it their way only to wind up in our current situation, it's time to try something new. Their willingness to poke you in the eye, after a good faith effort on your part to make the bill appealing to them, proves they have no intention of working with you on anything. Their obvious deafness to the results of the last two election cycles will, more than likely, relegate them to political wilderness for a long time.
So, again, with all due respect...leave them in the dust.
Ask the Senate to reformulate their version of the stimulus bill. Reduce the tax cuts a wee-bit (I understand you ran on a promise of tax cuts so they shouldn't be removed fully), get rid of any unneeded pork that congressional members may have put in there, and increase the outlays for infrastructure repairs and green-collar jobs.
Bridges and highways don't repair themselves, trains don't drive themselves, and wind farms and hybrid car factories don't build themselves. Such projects require American workers (who are in a pretty precarious spot at the moment), who would then put their earnings in the banks (that aren't exactly flush with cash at the moment) or use them to buy things. I mean, really...it's a win-win.
Let the know-nothings on the right rail against such a bill. The truth is you don't need them. If even a few of them had accepted your original concessions and voted for this bill I'd be slightly more willing to let it proceed. But not a single Republican voted for this bill and it passed easily anyway.
So...fuck them.
Mr. President...I urge you to make this bill the one you really want. The people of this great country handed you a mandate last November. So, be bold. If the powerless Fascist-Republicans are going to bitch and moan about it anyway, why not reconfigure the bill?
Warmest Regards,
(Photo: President Obama and Vice-President Biden meet in the Oval Office with Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel and members of the President's economic team. By Pete Souza/White House.)