George W. Bush is nowhere near ready to be president. Not by a long shot.-Yours truly, on the NY Times discussion board, just days before the 2000 presidential election.
The man then proceeded to spend the next eight years proving me, and everyone who thought similarly, right; and in the process brought millions around to our way of thinking (albeit too late to deny the man "re"-election).
However, yesterday, in a grand finale production worthy of a Broadway stage production, Mr. Bush walked into the White House press room, took the past eight years, rolled them into one big ball, and proved to each and every American that he was never worthy of the office he has held, at a time when we needed a man more than worthy to hold it.
9/11? Not his fault.
Two recessions, the second of which has mired the nation in the deepest financial crisis since the Great Depression? President Clinton's fault (I shit you not).
And the administration's response to Hurricane Katrina? You remember that one, don't you? The domestic crisis that finally (FINALLY) proved to most Americans, long blind to the President's incompetence, that he made Carter look brilliant? His response to a question about that disaster was the pièce de résistance of the entire press conference.
The government response was quick and organized, he essentially claimed. Just ask the thousands who were air lifted off their roofs by "helicopter drivers," he dared. (Again...I shit you not.)
The man takes responsibility for nothing. He his your typical spoiled brat - given a huge toy that is way beyond his mental capacity, breaks it into several pieces, blames someone else for it, and, after being grounded for a week, never ever accepts responsibility or gives an apology.
This morning I keep telling myself, "one more week...one more week." But damn...can you imagine the havoc this idiot could reek between now and next Tuesday! (You almost have to wonder if John McCain is happy he lost the election last November. The mess President Obama has to clean up is bigger than any of us can fathom.)
Clips from the press conference along with superb commentary from Keith Olbermann below...