15 November 2006

The Baptist Pussy-Fuckers

hypocrisy (noun): The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness
Yesterday I received the following email from Brent, who is working in Dallas this week:
Sitting in Dallas as we speak.

Short vignette...We are sharing the hotel conference area with a group of Baptist church leaders. I was in the bathroom this morning and three gentleman where discussing how they needed to "find pu$$y tonight." One even said - and I quote - "I got to get a girl with her panties around her ankles bouncin' on top of me." I assumed they were here for our conference, but I was wrong...I walked out of the stall and they were all from the Baptist church conference. And yes, they all had wedding rings on.
Sit back and let the hypocrisy roll over you. Needless to say, Brent can't wait to get out of that sinful, depraved city and back to the rock-solid values of San Francisco!

Update: I took a look on "the Google" and found that these men are in Dallas for the annual meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

Otherwise known as the Baptist Pussy-Fuckers.