15 June 2007

Immigration Bill Returns

There have been two issues on which I have agreed whole-heartedly with President Bush (good gawd...that is SO hard to admit, let me tell ya...but hey, even the Republicans agreed with President Clinton on some issues!): the war in Afghanistan following the attacks of 9/11 (I know, I know...George totally fucked that up, but I supported him 100% those first couple of weeks) and on the immigration bill that faltered in the Senate last week.

I'm not particularly fond of the provision that requires immigrants currently in United States illegally to touch base in their home countries before returning to the U.S. to become legal citizens, and I believe there should be some rather strong language requiring any immigrant wishing to become an American citizen to learn English as part of their citizenship requirement, but overall the current bill is about as good as it's gonna get.

So news that Senate leaders have agreed to revive the stalled legislation as early is next week is most welcome. Passage is still unclear, but I believe further debate can only help the issue.