04 August 2008

I'm Back

The three-day weekend was exactly what I needed. After several months spent flying back and forth between San Francisco and Seattle it was nice to get away and veg poolside with friends. Not once did I turn on a computer, not once did I pick up a newspaper. As a matter of fact, I only used my cell phone twice, and both times very briefly. I would have loved 2 or 3 more days. But this will do for now.

Back to Business...

I see Barack Obama's average lead in pre-election polling is down to about 2-points. My sincere hope is that this is simply due to the fact that it's mid-summer and most Americans are on vacation and not paying attention. The country is falling apart at the seams, our Constitution is in tatters, and our reputation around the globe is on life-support - all courtesy of the war criminals we call our President and Vice-President. Yet, rather than fix what ails us, the only thing the Republicans know how to do is call the Democrats pussies, air campaign commercials that sucker-punch below the belt, and hope the American voters fall for their trickery yet again.

I certainly hope Americans aren't that stupid. Then again they did vote for Bush in 2004 when all signs pointed to disaster. Only this time we REALLY can't afford four more years of the same policies. And no matter what John McCain and the Fascists in the Republican Party tell you, that's exactly what you'll get if they're elected for a third term.