06 August 2008

Outrage Fatigue

Quote of the Day:
I have ceased to care about McStupid's Britney video and Obama's acting presidency. Or the New Yorker cover. Or Cindy McCain's 20 painkillers a day. Or the endless hand-wringing about the fucking narrative...

Our complacency will be our downfall, and I no longer care. Let Rush Limbaugh and ExxonMobil have America — it's becoming a crumbling shithole anyway.
(The now former) blogger Skimble (by way of TalkLeft, by way of Larry), throwing his hands in the air and calling it a day.

Yeah...no doubt about it...the 24/7 news cycle can burn a guy out on this presidential election thing. But after eight years of the worst presidency in United States history, this election is too important. As I've said before, no American will get their idea of the perfect president. Ever. And if you're waiting for an uber-liberal in the mold of Russ Feingold, Bernie Sanders, or the late Paul Wellstone to win the White House...I have news for you...even in this day and age, they'd lose all 50 states. Barack Obama is about as close as we'll get to that political philosophy. And I, for one, am hoping beyond hope that he wins in November. Now more than ever, we need him.