21 October 2009

Why We Need a Public Option

Because of cases like this one:
The parents of a two-year-old girl in Colorado are unable to obtain health insurance for their daughter because the insurer, United Healthcare Golden Rule, claims she is too small. In a letter sent to the family of the child, Aislin Bates, United Healthcare Golden Rule writes, "we are unable to provide coverage for Aislin because her height and weight do not meet our company standards." According to a Colorado news station, Aislin weighed six pounds, six ounces at birth, and now weighs 22 pounds.
Personally, I'm for either single-payer (get rid of the insurance companies all together) or a Medicare-for-all option (where Americans can opt to buy into Medicare or continue with their employer-based coverage). Alas, neither of those are an option at the moment.

Yet, we can't let the insurance companies continue treating people the way they treat the Bates family. So, in addition to making it illegal to deny coverage, any bill that is sent to the President's desk MUST have a public option.