15 April 2009

Civil War II ?

Gov. Rick Perry (Fascist-TX), at a press conference on April 9th:
I believe the federal government has become oppressive. It’s become oppressive in its size, its intrusion in the lives of its citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state.

Texans need to ask themselves a question: Do they side with those in Washington who are pursuing this unprecedented expansion of power, or do they believe in individual rights and responsibilities laid down in our foundational documents.

...Texans need to stand up. They need to be heard, because the state of affairs that we find ourselves in cannot continue indefinitely...

...We think it’s time to draw the line in the sand and tell Washington that no longer are we going to accept their oppressive hand in the state of Texas. That’s what this press conference, that’s what these Texans are standing up for. There is a point in time where you stand up and say enough is enough, and I think Americans, and Texans especially have reached that point.
Gov. Perry, why now? Where were you and your fellow fascists when President George W. Bush, the man whose former office you now hold, increased the deficit to record levels? Where was your outrage when Mr. Bush took the Texas National Guard out from under you so they could patch the holes in his misguided and mismanaged Iraq War rather than assist in the rescue, clean up, and refugee problems of Hurricane Katrina? Where were the calls for sovereignty when the Bush administration made mince meat of the Constitution, or the cries of an "unprecedented expansion of power" when they started listening to the private phone conversations of your fellow Texans?

It's your party, sir, that preaches of limited government, but then has the audacity to tell people who they can marry or why the can't serve in the United States military during war time. It's your party, sir, that made America much less safe because of instructions from your president and his minions that torture was ok.

I am used to the hypocrisy of the Republican Party, but your statement of April 9th is above and beyond the normal definition.

I'm sorry, Governor. You're a traitor, plain and simple. Blather on all you want. You're on the wrong side of history. And eventually your evil ways will fall by the wayside.