20 April 2009

The Dumbing Down of America Continues

Overheard Friday at Jamba Juice in Alameda, CA:
Vietamese-American Jamba Juice employee with a California sufer-dude accent: Whoa! Those are some pretty heavy accents. Where are you from?

Woman #1: Ireland.

Employee: (Giving a combination blank stare/deer in the headlights smile) Where's that?

Woman #1: (Looking at woman #2 with one of those "are you kidding me?" smiles) Ireland. It's near England.

Employee: Never heard of it.

Woman #2: Ireland? You've never heard of it? It's a country. You know...overseas.

Employee: (Three second beat, followed by...) Ohhh...yeah...Ireland. Heh! I thought Ireland was a state here in America.

He hands both women their drinks, they thank him and make their way to the exit.

Woman #1: (To Woman #2, as they walk past me and out the door) Oh, dear!