29 November 2007

Why Do Republicans Love Terrorists?

Rudy Giuliani, the current leader in the Republican presidential field, seems to be buddy-buddy with Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifah al-Thani, the emir of Qatar, a country with ties to al Qaeda and a man by the name of Khalid Sheikh Muhammad, who was one of the masterminds behind the attacks of 9/11. The former New York Mayor has toured the city with al-Thani and has taken wads of cash from the Sheikh.

This from a man who is running on a "9/11 platform." (Side note: Being mayor of NYC on that day does not make you qualified to run for president.)

Should Giuliani win his party's nomination for the presidency, the Democrats will need to grow some major cajones and play the Karl Rove card. It's rather easy, you see...

A TV commercial showing a Giuliani figure sitting at a table taking wads of cash from a sheikh-like figure who is dressed from head to toe in your typical Middle Eastern robes and head dressings, with a voice over commenting on Giuliani's ties to a known terrorist supporter. The commercial ends with the two hugging and giving the typical kiss on each cheek.

An attack ad? You better believe it! A bit insensitive to Qatar? Probably. But the Republicans would do it in a nano-second, and if the Democrats don't want to spend another four years on the sidelines, then they need to match the Fascist-Republicans at their own Rovian games.