11 December 2008

Urban Outfitters: Anti-Gay

New York Magazine reports that Urban Outfitters has pulled t-shirts from their store shelves that support marriage equality. Could this possibly be because Richard Hayne, the CEO at Urban, is a right-wing fascist fuck who gives enormous amounts of money to the Republican Party?

Jeremy Hooper's investigative work suggests that is the case. He has compiled Hayne's political donation record:

Rick Santorum? That's all I need to know.

Update: Look, I don't care if Haynes gave money to Republican candidates. As an American that is his right, and I applaud him for taking part in our nation's political discourse. However, if he gave money to Yes on 8 then his employees and his customers, large majorities of which are liberal, gay, and/or pro-gay, have every right to call him on his shit and to boycott his stores.