09 January 2007

The 100 Hour Agenda

Now that the Democratic congressional majority has passed new rules on how lawmakers do business (like working an honest 5 day week, rather than the 2 day week of the previous Republican majority) and scheduled oversight hearings on the Bush administration's incompetent war planning, the Democratic leadership will begin their 100 hour agenda to present and vote on important measures the previous Republican leadership failed to act on.

Bolstering national security by implementing more of the 9/11 Commission recommendations (our ports are still quite vulnerable), cutting the interest rates on student loans, reducing the price of prescription drugs, overturning President Bush's restrictions on embryonic stem cell research, and ending big oil subsidies are among the bills being introduced over the next few days.

Bush is likley to veto much of what comes out of the 100 hour session, but so be it. A solid line will be drawn in the proverbial sand, and on these issues it puts the Republicans in a pretty nasty spot going into the 2008 presidential cycle.