04 January 2007

Post Holiday Stress?

Got up yesterday and went through my regular morning routine: coffee, news, shower, feed the dog. Felt fine until I was in the car and driving to work. It started in my right hand and foot...that tingly "needles" feeling you get when a limb falls asleep. By the time I got to work that feeling had extended to the full right leg and full right arm. And I was out of it.

I left work right away, drove back home (in hindsight, probably not a good idea - but got home just fine), and contacted my doctor's office who fit me into their schedule pretty promptly.

By the time I got there the tingly feelings had left the leg and arm, but remained in the hand and foot.

Neurological tests were normal. Heart rate and blood pressure were a bit high, but according to the physicians assistant didn't warrant concern and would not be causing the feelings in my arm and leg.

At a loss, and satisfied that the "needles" had subsided a bit, the P.A. released me with instructions to take a couple of days off, and get plenty of rest. He seemed to think that my stress and anxiety levels may be the culprit.

I am feeling much better today and spent much of the morning resting and catching up on sleep. I plan to take it relatively easy today and will see how things go when I return to work tomorrow.