24 January 2007


The President got off to a nice start in his State of the Union speech last night when he acknowledged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. But then, as in everything he does, he drove off a cliff. This was his worst SOTU speech yet.

Rather than put the most important issue of the day front and center, he relegated Iraq to the middle of the speech and had the gall to tell the new Democratic congress, "Whatever you voted for, you didn't vote for failure."

Excuse me?

Why yes, you are indeed correct, Mr. President. We voted AGAINST failure. Yours. Plain and simple. You have failed at every level on this war in Iraq, and by extension - and more importantly - the greater war against international terrorism. So, with respect, don't preach to us about failure.

For the most part, the rest of the speech was an incoherent laundry list of legislation the administration may or may not get around to drafting. The "heros" section at the end seemed out of place and, again, incoherent in the overall context of his speech.

The President concluded his remarks with one of those "the state of our union is strong" statements. That is something President Clinton or the first President Bush could have said. But not this president. Not now.