Dr. Cioumu's offense? During surgery to correct a testicular malformation he suddenly lost his temper, grabbed a scalpel, sliced off Mr. Radonescu's penis, slammed it on the operating table and chopped it into small pieces.
Following the verdict, a doctors union VP said:
Ciomu's case is a dangerous precedent for all Romanian doctors. In the future doctors may have to think very carefully about what work they undertake.Because...you know...we wouldn't want doctors paying attention during any sort of surgery, let alone delicate surgery!
The union VP concluded:
I urge doctors to only accept cases where they cannot make mistakes.Mistakes? It's not like the scapal slipped! The doctor got pissy and then purposefully took his stress out on a man's manhood!
Frankly, $200,000 isn't enough. $2 billion isn't enough. I'd want Dr. Cioumu's penis hacked off. And then have it chopped, diced, and sliced.
In a blender.
While he watched.