11 January 2007

The President's Speech, Part 2

What Little Boy George did last night was promise a miniscule 10% troop escalation, throw his hands on his hips and say, "Ok, that's it! You insurgents better stop, and I really mean in it this time. Mmm k?"

Last night's speech was arguably the single most important of the President's term in office. And like every aspect of his war planning, he fell short. His proposal doesn't even come close to doing what needs to be done in Iraq, and will probably prolong the conflict.

Those of us who argued against this war in 2002 did so first and foremost because it was unjustified. But we also knew that, with Bush's mind essentially made up, that he was nowhere near ready for the conflict to come. Diposing Saddam Hussein was the easy part. But the President and his administration didn't plan for the post-Saddam long run. They didn't see the insurgency coming, even though many of us were practically shouting from the rooftop of the White House that the President didn't send enough troops to fight it.

Now, we're in this quagmire.

If Mr. Bush's intent last night was to extinguish the flames of the insurgency, then he should have proposed a plan that would add at least 50,000 troops. But his plan to add 21,500 just adds fuel to that fire. And as a result George Bush has placed us in quite the quandry: If we continue to fight with minimal troop numbers, the conflict goes on essentially without end. If we leave, the insurgent terrorists - who are there only because of the President's incompetent war management - will destabilize the region as never before. Then again, getting out will mean that many more American GI's lives spared.

What to do? I have no idea. What I do know is that, last night, by not stepping up to the plate with a more robust escalation plan - or with a quick exit strategy - the President of the United States has essentially tightened the trap that holds 130,000 American troops.

He's obviously not up to the task. And, short of impeachment (which won't happen), we are heading for two years of greater disaster in Iraq.

Say it with me: The. Worst. President. Ever.