08 February 2007

GOP Threatens Impeachment...But Not Over Iraq

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (Fascist-CA) has threatened President Bush with impeachment hearings if two border patrol agents who are currently serving prison terms are harmed or killed while serving their sentences.

Their crime? Shooting an unarmed drug smuggler along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Now, I'm not "pro-drug smuggler" and I think the nation's immigration laws have serious flaws...but the guy was unarmed. The agents deserved to go to prison.

The President committed the ultimate act of deception in order to invade a country that did nothing to us - a scenario that is the picture perfect example of what the founding fathers had in mind when they drafted the impeachment clause of the Constitution - and this border patrol thing is what gets Republican panties in a wad? Give me a break.

THEN AGAIN...if this is what it takes to get the Republicans behind impeachment...