08 February 2007

Still Playing Their Games

Congressional Republicans are getting their panties all up in a bunch over House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's use of an Air Force jet to transport her back and forth between Washington, DC and her congressional district in San Francisco.

Never mind that Dennis Hastert, the Speaker in the last several Republican-led congressional sessions, had an Air Force jet that flew him home to Illinois.

Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, the Pentagon agreed to provide the Speaker of the House - whoever he or she may be - with a military plane for trips to and from their home districts. If something were to happen to the President and Vice-President, the Constitution dictates that the Speaker assume the presidency. Thus the military's push for extra security while in the air.

Apparently the Republicans are having their tantrum over the size of Pelosi's jet. It's bigger than Hastert's was. (I always figured he had a small...uhh..."plane.") The thing is, Hastert flew from DC to Illinois...a relatively short trip. Speaker Pelosi has to travel across the country and therefore needs a jet that can get her there without refueling.

The Republican Party: Once again putting America's most important issues front and center.