05 December 2007

Huckabee's Dukakis Moment

He released a convicted rapist who then went out and raped and murdered someone else. The reason for the convict's release? The first victim was a distant relative of Bill Clinton's...and the right wing attack machine of the 90s was in full swing.

From John at AmericaBlog:
Huckabee basically helped secure the guy's release because the convict had raped a distant relative of Bill Clinton - and being a distant relative of Bill Clinton, the right-wing attack machine said the woman who was raped wasn't credible (even though the guy was convicted), and they demanded that the rapist be set free because, after all, he only raped a Clinton. Well, it seems that Governor Huckabee agreed. He set the rapist free, and then the guy molested and murdered another woman. But even better? Huckabee now denies that he had anything to do with the release of the rapist/murderer. Funny, then why did Huckabee meet with the parole board on behalf of the rapist/murderer?

So now we know the real Mike Huckabee. Huckabee is part of the Rush Limbaugh hate machine that sees everything through the eyes of how much hurt he can cause the Clintons. And if that meant helping a rapist get a second chance to molest and murder again, it was a small risk to take in exchange for hurting a distant relative of Bill Clinton.
And this guy's stock is rising with Republican primary voters? The story is obviously vile and disgusting, but within the realm of the game of politics...I say bring him on. Even Hillary could beat this bozo.