07 December 2007

Arianna's Bitch-Slap

Quote of the Day:
"Dear [Mr. Dumond] ," Huckabee wrote in a letter to Dumond, after [reading letters from his previous] victims. "My desire is that you be released from prison ." ...no amount of spinning can change that, or the conclusion that Huckabee allowed his judgment to be swayed by the...right-wing zealots who put their hatred of Bill Clinton over the well being of the public (Dumond's victim was a distant relative of Clinton, and the daughter of a major Clinton donor).
-Arianna Huffington, bitch-slapping Republican-Fascist Mike Huckabee, after the former Arkansas governor tried to blame Huffington for the frenzy that broke out after she relased the story that Huckabee authorized Dumond's release from prison.