"Dear [Mr. Dumond] ," Huckabee wrote in a letter to Dumond, after [reading letters from his previous] victims. "My desire is that you be released from prison ." ...no amount of spinning can change that, or the conclusion that Huckabee allowed his judgment to be swayed by the...right-wing zealots who put their hatred of Bill Clinton over the well being of the public (Dumond's victim was a distant relative of Clinton, and the daughter of a major Clinton donor).-Arianna Huffington, bitch-slapping Republican-Fascist Mike Huckabee, after the former Arkansas governor tried to blame Huffington for the frenzy that broke out after she relased the story that Huckabee authorized Dumond's release from prison.
07 December 2007
Arianna's Bitch-Slap
Quote of the Day: