06 December 2007

A New Standard?

A Senate-House Intelligence Conference voted today to make the Army Field Manual the standard for all detainee issues in interrogation and detention methods. That means for the CIA and all branches of the national security, military, and intelligence establishment.

From the AP:
[The manual apparently] prohibits waterboarding and sensory deprivation. Prisoners may not be hooded or have duct tape put across their eyes. They may not be stripped naked or forced to perform or mimic sexual acts. They may not be beaten, electrocuted, burned or otherwise physically hurt. They may not be subjected to hypothermia or mock executions. It does not allow food, water and medical treatment to be withheld, and dogs may not be used in any aspect of interrogation.
Alas, it's a very nice move on the part of the Congress; but if you think for a minute that the Fascist shithead in the White House will sign such a bill, then I have a very nice desert oasis outside Baghdad I'd like to sell you.