04 February 2007

Fighting Chance

Reader email:
I really don't understand how you can support candidates like Biden or Clinton. No matter their party affiliation, they're hawks. Period! We need a nominee who promises to pull the troops out of Iraq at 12:01PM on January the 20th, 2009. Why can't you see that?
The latest news out of Iraq is why (click here). Unfortunately a straight-out dove is not going to win us the White House next year. In order to have any chance at all, the Democratic nominee will have to prove their toughness by taking a hawkish approach to FIXING the problems in Iraq. And those of us who were against this war from the get-go are going to have to come to grips with that fact.

The only way the Democratic ticket has a fighting chance is to take a Roosevelt-Truman-Kennedy style tough-guy approach to righting President Bush's wrongs in Iraq. Otherwise, we can all start preparing for another four years of Republican rule in the Executive Branch.

The American people don't want us in Iraq anymore but believe me...they don't want us to wimp out. Moreover, I don't know that the world would forgive us if we simply pulled out at this point. Granted, they didn't want us there to begin with, but now that we've made a shit storm out of the place they'd like someone with a little competence to begin the process of putting it all back on track.