13 February 2009

Hard Headed Realists

Quote of the Day:
...the United States is compiling the best possible team we could have at this time to deal with the threat to our national interests posed by a continuation of the Israeli-Arab conflict. President Barack Obama is, by all accounts, as intellectually engaged with the complexities of the region and how they impact American interests as as any president since Eisenhower. He has compiled a team at the State Department and the National Security Council of hard headed realists committed to promoting US interests in the Middle East who recognize many of the linkages between ending Israel's occupations, a successful US withdrawal from Iraq, a successful negotiation of our relationship with Iran, our wars in Afghanistan/Pakistan, and bringing al-Qaeda to justice.
-Amjad Atallah, Co-Director of the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force, guest-posting Wednesday at the Washington Note.

The title of the post is "The Best Possible Team at the Worst Possible Time." Following the worst team ever at the worst possible time, the presidency of Barack Obama is exactly what the world needs right now.