18 February 2009

The Juno of Juneau

While she may, like, have the speaking skills, like, of her mother...Bristol Palin showed a tad bit more intelligence on the issues of family planning, teenage sex, and abstinence during an interview with Faux News yesterday.

On the issue of abstinence:
I think abstinence is, like — like, the — I don’t know how to put it — like, the main — everyone should be abstinent or whatever, but it’s not realistic at all.
Whoo! I see a dazzling career in Alaska politics for this real life Juno. But, I digress.

In the mean time, Republican-Fascist wing nuts have gone absolutely bat shit over Bristol's denunciation of abstinence, and over the fact that she and her Baby Daddy have yet to marry.



The fascists haven't gone bat shit? Aaahh...that's right. Being a right-wing nut job is all about judging others while ignoring very inconvenient truths about your own.

Good gawd! Did we dodge a bullet with these Wasilla Hillbillies or what?