In two months, [Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner] has unveiled sweeping initiatives - a stress test for big banks, a small-business lending program, a housing plan, a public-private toxic-asset investment program, and a massive financial-reregulation proposal. He meets with [National Economic Council Director] Larry Summers daily and the president almost every day, talks to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke multiple times a day, testifies before Congress on average about twice a week and has been the administration's lead person on the Group of Seven and G-20 deliberations. All with a department where the White House has failed to fill top posts.I still have my doubts about Geithner and Summers. They were, after all, part of the problem that led to the current banking crisis.
The President seems to have a whole lot of faith in them, and so I'll set aside my earlier calls for their resignations and reserve judgement until such a time that we can determine whether their policies are really working. But again...I'm skeptical.