31 January 2008

The 90s, Redux

Two stories, via Josh Marshall:
[When Hillary Clinton] served on the board of Walmart in the late 80s and early 90s she did nothing to push back against the companies aggressively anti-union policies.

[A New York Times story] shows Bill Clinton mixing fundraising for his foundation with allowing international tycoons to trade on his friendship to secure international mining concessions in Kazakhstan.
Sigh. Despite my foaming at the mouth over the possibility of a Democratic ticket led by Hillary Clinton, I really do like the Clintons, thought Bill was a terrific president, and believe they were the target of some really scuzzy partisan attacks from the right.

Ok...now...that said, these two stories - especially the one involving Bill - are prime examples of why I've been foaming at the mouth over a Hillary candidacy. There is too much to do - a huge mess to clean up - to spend the next four to eight year fighting the meaningless partisan battles of the 1990s...a fight that could very well sour American voters on a Democratic Party that can't help themselves when it comes to the Clintons, and give the Republicans the keys to the government for yet another generation.

I am not saying that Barack Obama is a saint. No politician is. But the Republicans don't have the vitriol for him that they do for the Clintons, and that fact alone would help a "President Obama" tremendously when he takes office.