Few Democrats know more about foreign policy, and few would so relish the fight against McCain on international affairs. Few are better placed to argue that withdrawal from Iraq will strengthen rather than weaken the United States.With all of my blathering over Sen. Obama these last few months, it's easy to forget that Sen. Joe Biden was my first choice for the Democratic presidential nomination this year (my original endorsement can be read here). As such, I would be the biggest fan of an Obama/Biden ticket. Biden's foreign policy credentials are beyond reproach, and no one is better suited to be "a heartbeat away from the presidency."
The worst thing in a running mate is the fear of muddying his or her image in political combat. Biden would be a happy warrior.
Obama would be a fool not to include Biden somewhere in his administration. If not VP, then perhaps Secretary of State. The globe would heave a sigh of relief with such an elder statesman representing our great country abroad after eight years of incompetence by the current administration.
As Dionne says in the closing of his column:
To restore its strength and influence, the United States needs to return to the realistic internationalism of FDR, Truman and, yes, the first President Bush. Whether or not Obama picks Biden, he should listen to what Biden is saying.