The way to continue our fight now, to accomplish the goals for which we stand, is to take our energy, our passion and our strength and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama the next president of the United States.-Sen. Hillary Clinton, suspending her campaign today and formally endorsing Sen. Barack Obama for president.
And so this primary season ends. I'll get to the actual speech and the Senator's endorsement of Obama in a moment. First though, I must speak of the heavy heart I have this morning for my mother and the women of her generation (in fact, women of all generations). They wanted, with every fiber of their being, to see the first woman president. In Hillary Clinton they had a taste of that dream. It was within their grasp only to have their candidate fall just short of the finish line. I know full well that this sort of political loss hurts more than any other. This wasn't just any political race. For my mother and her American sisters this was very personal, and I understand full well that Clinton's loss feels like the ultimate punch in the gut.
Although she didn't reach the White House, Hillary Clinton did break one important glass ceiling: It will be common-place in future elections to see women presidential candidates; in fact, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if we have that first woman president before 2020. And who knows? Depending on the time, the place, and the politics, it could very well be Hillary Clinton.
That said, I agree fully with Sen. Clinton's comments today that women and Americans everywhere should really think hard about why we need to have Barack Obama elected president and John McCain rejected soundly. When it comes right down to it, we're all Democrats and any thought of staying home or voting Republican in November simply because your candidate lost the nomination would, after eight years of the worst presidency in American history, put self above country. And the United States can't afford four more years of Fascist-Republican rule.
My strong support of Barack Obama is well known, and my absolute horror of the vitriolic campaign the Clintons ran well documented on this blog. But I'll give credit where it is due: Hillary Clinton gave a superb speech today. During the 1990's Bill Clinton understood the importance of moments like this, giving speeches worthy of the history books, causing lumps in throats and tears for days. THOSE Clintons showed themselves in spades today. In ending her quest for her party's presidential nomination, Sen. Hillary Clinton came across as a true Democrat and - more importantly - a true American.
I don't deny her passion and strong work ethic. She will continue to be a force in American government for as long as she wants to be; and today she showed her love of that government - and of her country - by throwing her support to Barack Obama.
Nicely done, Senator. Nicely done.