Our thoughts are with his wife, Maureen Orth, their son Luke, and Russert's father, "Big Russ."
On Russert...
Tom Brokaw:
This news division will not be the same without his strong, clear voice. He'll be missed as he was loved - greatly.Ezra Klein:
Presumably, he's up somewhere beyond the cloudline, hectoring God about His inconsistencies. "But Lord, in Exodus 6:12, you clearly said..."Doris Kearns Goodwin:
I can't imagine what the news bureau is going through down there. I heard it is just wailing. He was just a giant of a person...Marc Ambinder:
[Washington, DC] will all but shut down over the next few days, so vital was he to its voice...[He was] an unbelievable father to Luke and a loyal, devoted husband to Maureen Orth. A life marvelously well lived.