23 September 2008

A Request For Advice From My Readers

Hello all. I would like a little advice from you if you don't mind. I intend to the change the name of the blog within the next week or two and I would like your input. I'm playing around with four ideas and would like your thoughts...

The United States of Wayne (Because it sounds sort of funky...and...well, let's face facts, shall we? Don't we ALL think we could run this country a bit better than the goon currently manning the helm?)

The Twelfth Floor (After the infamous dance club in Andrew Holleran's classic novel "Dancer From the Dance.")

Wayne In the City (City boy that I am...)

Wayne, Oh! (Friends called me "Wayne-o" in high school, and my little sister still does.)

Shoot me an email with your thoughts on the matter - or with other ideas. Simply click the "email me" link to the right under "correspondence." I may post a few more ideas later in the week.
Thanks everyone!