26 September 2008

Holy Shit, Dude

Update: Thanks to Beth, my unofficial editor, for catching a couple of typos. They are fixed!

From the New York Times:
Pakistani and American ground troops exchanged fire along the border with Afghanistan on Thursday after the Pakistanis shot at two American helicopters, ratcheting up tensions as the United States increases its attacks against Qaeda and Taliban militants sheltering in Pakistan’s restive tribal areas.
Between this and the financial meltdown, a little voice in the back my heads keeps suggesting that the Bush administration has come to the conclusion that Barack Obama is going to win the election in November and they plan (intentionally) to leave him one hell of a mess.

"No," you say?

This is George W. Bush we're talking about. He is the man who, in 2002, ran commercials against Max Cleland, the Democratic Senator from Georgia - a man who lost three limbs in Vietnam, that called Cleland a traitor and a supporter of Osama bin Laden.

One might think that Bush would intentionally leave this mess for John McCain as well . Their relationship has never been all that friendly. But after 8 years of incompetence and failure, the only hope Mr. Bush has of labeling his presidency any good is if the Republicans win a third White House term.

In the mean time, Mr. Bush is picking fights with a nuclear power.